Welcome to Finland!
The Barents Games 2024 will take place on 23.–25. August
in Kemi and Tornio!
Celebration of Barents Sport in Kemi and Tornio
The purpose of Barents sport is to develop international cooperation in the region and involve as many youth as possible across the borders. The games are an arena for both sporting and cultural exchange and makes people-to-people cooperation between the three countries in the Barents region.
Multi-sport Event between Finland, Norway and Sweden
13 different sports will take part in this year’s Barents Games from Finland, Norway and Sweden. The Games are a great opportunity for youth to experience the atmosphere of an international sporting event. In the Games young athletes can compete both nationally and internationally with other athletes.
A big team is a behind of the memorable Sport Event
Lapin Liikunta ry leads the preparations in cooperation with local sports clubs Tornion Pallo -47 ry, Alatornion Pirkat, Karihaaran Verkkopalloseura ry, Pohjan Jousi, Veitsiluodon Kisaveikot ry, Tornion lentis -88 , Keminmaan kuohu, Kemin into, Lapin Ampujat, Länsi-Pohjan AVH-yhdistys, Meri-Lapin Golfklubi ja Lapin piiritoimikunta.
We reserve the right to make changes.
Updated 24.8.2024
Sports & Program
More detailed information and schedules for each sport can be found here.
Information about each sport's team size and series (Link here)
Track & Field
Host cities
The Best Border City in the World
Tornio is an attractive border city of happy residents, renewable services and successful businesses. We are part of Lapland and the Torne River Valley, the Bothnian Bay, Barents region and Europe.
Small town – Big heart
Kemi is a dense town where all services are within close reach. It is easy to move around Kemi; you will not get stuck in traffic jams. Everyday life is easy in Kemi.
Meet the Team
Miia Lehtimäki
Project Leader
BG24 Kemi & Tornio+358 40 8329321
miia.lehtimaki@lapinliikunta.fi -
Suvi Karusaari
Sport Coordinator,
Lapland’s Sports FederationBSCF
+358 40 8471321
suvi.karusaari@lapinliikunta.fi -
Vera Arntsen
International Coordinator
+47 97 56 79 38
vera.arntsen@idrettsforbundet.no -
Anne Meriläinen
Sports Coordinator,
RF-SISU NorrbottenBSCS
+46 070-686 76 11
Our Partners
Pictures by Norwegian Barents Secretariat