Dear YLIBèrs

Welcome to Alta

Here you’ll find the YLIB-program and other practical information to help you make the most of your stay.

YLIB Norway has created the program with Odd-Martin as the mail planner.

Most of you will arrive on Wednesday, and a program has been set up until Sunday - where you join the Guest-program from friday afternoon.

The heart of this event lies beyond the guest-program — out on the many arenas of Alta where 10 different sports are arranged. You have helped us with some of the planning, now it is time to se Barents Games IRL. You will experience the joy of sports and the powerful sense of unity that defines the Barents region - and you will see and learn about arranging big sports events.

We hope you have an unforgettable stay — filled with inspiration, connections, and the true spirit of the North!


  • Hotel: Thon Alta
    Transport: If you need transport from and to the airport in Alta, contact International Coordinator Vera Arntsen
    You will be able to borrow cars from us in LOC

    Bring warm clotes, its winter in Alta :)

    For more practical information

  • Arrival day

    20.00: Dinner at Peppes Pizza

  • 09.00-11.00: Sosial event

    12.00: Lunch

    13.00-18.00: Help Organizer

    18.00: LOC-meeting

    20.00: Dinner

  • 09.00-11.00: Meeting 

    11.00-13.00: Help Organizer

    13.00: Lunch 

    13.00-17.00: Hotelhosts Free time
    We divide the group:
    13-16: 2 YLIBers each on Thon, Scandic And Canyon
    14-17: 2 YLIBers each on Thon, Scandic And Canyon

    18.00 - 1945: Dinner invited by Alta municipality, Alta Parkcenter.

    19.45: Departure from the dinner – “Walk and talk” to Finnmarkshallen

    20:00 - 20:45: Opening ceremony Finnmarkshallen

  • 09.00 - 11.30: Seminar at Scandic Alta (see additional program)

    11:30: “Grab and go” lunch

    12.00 – 16.30: Visit venues.
    Buss from Scandic Alta or cars

    17:30 Buss or cars to dinner from Scandic Alta

    18.00: Dinner invited by Finnmark County at Sami Siida.

    20.15: Bus or cars back to Scandic Alta.

    Get Together takes place at Scandic Alta.

  • 09.00-10.00: Breakfast meeting with VIP

    10.00-12.00 Visit Arenas

    13.00 Lunch At Scandic hotel with guests.

    13.30 - 14.30 Evaluation meeting

    15.00 Travel home Busses

Seminar Program

Staying, Playing, and Thriving

Let us explore the intersection of sports, economic challenges, and creating vibrant communities to live, stay, and thrive in the North.

Our host is Lisell D. Bang

09.00: Opening

Sports – a place to belong
By Kent Nyheim

Joy of sports for everyone – finances should not be an obstacle to participating in sports.
by Zaineb Al-Samarai, Sports President NOC

09.10: Economic barriers
– what do we do in Norwegian sports - an adapted digital tool to create well-being, belonging and security for everyone, and a contribution to ensuring a well-functioning community in an increasingly diverse society.
By Britt Leandersen, Tromsø Sports Council

09.30: Sport as society's most important arena for inclusion

How to utilize today's technology across national borders?
Project in the Norwegian Ski Federation
By Espen Rognli, Troms Skifederation

09.50: Digital tool for coaches - across borders

10.00: Short break

Fill up your coffe-cup, and shake your legs…

10.15: Inclusion and economy in Swedish and Finnish sports

By Carina Winsa, Boardleader RF-SISU Norrbotten and Suvi Karusaari, Lapin Liikunta ry

Participants: Zaineb Al-Samarai, Sylvi Ofstad, Reinert Aarseth, Carina Winsa and Suvi Karusaari.
Q&A from guests
Moderator: Lisell D. Bang

10.35: “Sofa talk”
- Inclusion and finances as a barrier

11.00: Young Leaders in Barents


11.05: “Sofa talk”
- Sport is a place to belong

Participants: YLIB, Hege Christin Bjørkmann -Young politician and Matheo Dolva - young imported southerner

Staying, Playing, and Thriving in the north
What are the status, challenges and opportunities seen from the youth`s point of view?
Q&A from guests
Moderator: Lisell D. Bang

11.30: “The end”
Lunch: Grab and go - to the buss..

  • Lisell D Bang


  • Kent Nyheim

    Kent Nyheim


  • Zaineb Al-Samarai


  • Britt Leandersen


  • Espen Rognli


  • Carina Winsa


  • Suvi Karusaari


  • Young Leaders in Barents

    Young Leaders in Barents


Meet the Team